News - 17 de septiembre de 2021

Online Payment Trends in Latin America: A Guide for Crossborder Merchants

Latin America is experiencing a remarkable shift in online payment trends, presenting exciting opportunities for crossborder merchants looking to expand their businesses in the region. As digital infrastructure improves and consumer behaviors evolve, understanding the latest payment trends becomes essential for success. In this blog post, we will delve into key insights to shed light on the emerging online payment landscape in Latin America and its implications for companies looking to expand their business in the region.

Increasing Adoption of Digital Payments in Latin America

Latin America is witnessing a surge in digital payment adoption, driven by factors such as the rising middle class and increased access to smartphones and the internet. To tap into this growing consumer base, crossborder merchants must offer convenient and secure digital payment options that cater to local preferences and align with regional regulations.

Accelerating Financial Inclusion in Latin America

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) highlights the region’s efforts to enhance financial inclusion through digital payments. Governments and financial institutions are implementing initiatives to provide underserved populations with access to formal financial services. For crossborder merchants, this presents an opportunity to target previously untapped markets and customize payment solutions to cater to specific customer needs.

The Rise of Mobile Payments in Latin America

Mobile payments are rapidly gaining popularity in Latin America, particularly among the unbanked and underbanked populations. With smartphones becoming increasingly prevalent, crossborder merchants should optimize their platforms for mobile devices, integrate mobile payment solutions, and collaborate with local mobile wallet providers to facilitate seamless transactions and tap into this growing market segment.

Expanding E-commerce and Crossborder Trade in Latin America

JPMorgan reports the growing significance of e-commerce and crossborder trade in Latin America. Online shopping is on the rise, presenting crossborder merchants with an opportunity to capture the region’s expanding e-commerce market. To succeed, merchants should offer competitive pricing, efficient shipping options, and localized payment methods. Partnering with established local e-commerce platforms can also provide a boost to crossborder merchants’ visibility and credibility in the region.

Embracing Fintech Innovations in Latin America

Latin America’s fintech sector is flourishing, with innovative startups transforming the payment ecosystem. To stay competitive, crossborder merchants must keep pace with fintech advancements such as digital wallets, instant payment solutions, and blockchain technology. Embracing these emerging technologies can improve operational efficiency, deliver a seamless customer experience, and position crossborder merchants as frontrunners in the Latin American market.


Latin America holds immense potential for crossborder merchants seeking to expand their businesses in the region. By staying informed about the evolving online payment landscape, crossborder merchants can capitalize on the increasing adoption of digital payments, embrace financial inclusion initiatives, leverage mobile payment trends, tap into the growing e-commerce market, and align with the vibrant fintech ecosystem. By providing secure, localized, and convenient payment options, crossborder merchants can establish a strong presence in Latin America, unlocking significant growth opportunities.